Monday, October 24, 2011

Plan of Action

We found an Oncologist we really like, so now we are moving forward!!  After Dr. Kwan told us that I have 3 cancers, not just 2, we were taken back a bit.  So my official diagnosis is:
  *Breast Cancer Stage 2 
  *Lobular Carcinoma in SITU
  *Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma Pleomorphic Grade 2
  *Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma Grade 1 & .05

So now that we went through my pathology report line by line, then looked at the results of my Genetic Testing and CT-Scan we came up with a plan of action.  The best treatment for my situation based on my age and types of cancer is 4 Rounds of Chemo, followed by 7 weeks of Radiation, followed by 5 years of daily doses of Tamoxifen.  Radiation will give me a 70% survival rate, adding Tamoxifen for 5 years increases that to 85%, then undergoing chemotherapy will increase my survival rate to 92%.  

I feel the limbo stage is now a bit more clear, I have a plan and although it will be a rough could be much worse.  Now its time for me to educate myself on life during treatment and get on Skype with all my friends.  Once treatments start I will have weeks I am not able to associate with big crowds and have people come over.  Sundays and all church activities are what I will miss the most during this time.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Family Genes

I have learned a bit about Genetics and their relation to Breast Cancer.  Now they say Family History  of Cancer is important.  Well there have been a lot of my family members who have had cancer at some point in their life.  Family History is categorized into three different types; Sporadic, Familial and Hereditary.  There is no genetic testing at this time that can determine Sporadic or Familial....BUT there is for Hereditary.  The Genetic testing that can be done will look for mutations in genes that scientists have been able to identify as BRAC1 BRAC2 (breast cancer gene).  If mutations are found this means that I have an increased risk of Breast Cancer re-occurring, but cannot determine if or when cancer will develop.  I had this test done two weeks ago and today I was able to sit down with my Genetics Councilor to review my lab results.

Oh Happy Day....all my extensive results show all NEGATIVE.  This is great news. My girls, my sister, my niece and my grand daughters etc.... will not have this in their Genetic Line!!  This is such a relief.  I will have this test repeated every 5 years as genes change over time.

Once again I am grateful for prayers said on my behalf and I am so grateful for all our prayers that are answered. Thursday is my Oncology 2nd Opinion Appointment.  This will determine if I need Chemotherapy or not.  I will do what ever I have to do in order to fulfill my life here on earth.  Today is a good day.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One Step Forward...Two Steps Back

I have meet with so many doctors now, I collect their business cards. I have a binder of all my pathology reports, doctor visits and information on everything I can get my hands on. Some days the information is just too much for me and others, it's as if I can't get enough information. I have learned that each doctors visit won't be as I had hoped, that I can now count on.

I have learned so much though about this disease. I have learned that developing Breast Cancer is not a result of diet, exercise or lifestyle. Breast Cancer is in your genes wither you like it or not. Now.... what you eat and how you exercise is a great way to keep your body in shape but in no way is it a Preventive Measure to keep from developing Breast Cancer.

I have met with a Genetics Councilor and had a test done to determine if I have one of the two Breast Cancer Genes, BRCA1 & BRCA2 and if they have mutated. I will learn the results sometime next week. Today I met with my Chemo Oncologist, he said that if my genes are mutated I will need to have a Double Mastectomy followed by Chemo Therapy followed by a daily pill Tamoxifen for five years. If, however, I don't have a mutation I need to make a decision to have Chemotherapy followed by Radiation for 7 weeks followed by Tamoxifen daily for 5 years. So much to process and keep a smile on my face.

It seems as though lately I take one step forward and two steps back. I can't wait for all the "Waiting" to be over. I seem to have to wait for test results, tests yet to come with the Treatments looming over my head, its a mind game that you need to keep ahead of. That is so draining and can really get to you. I choose to take it one day at a time, that is the best I can do right now. This has been so hard since I am usually so active and always moving forward. This is one of the hardest attributes that I need to learn....patience and taking things slow. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back....soon all my steps will be forward.