Monday, November 14, 2011

Can Hair Follicles Really Hurt??

All who know me know, I am sensitive when it comes to my skin, but I hadn't really prepared myself enough for the possible reactions to the chemicals that would be going through my veins.  My skin is so dry and my hair, the actual follicles, hurt???  I have learned that for the 5 days following treatment your hair will hurt to brush, to touch, to move and to just look at?!   I figure my time with this hair that I have had for 45 years will soon shed, leave me and be replaced by....a younger, healthier and better looking head of locks.  I am excited to see what will happen but really hoping for anything but grey!!!

The side effects from Chemo so far.....hand rash, mouth sores, body aches, sleeplessness, hair hurts, memory a bit fuzzy, eyesight off, fatigue & taste buds missing in action.  I know with each side effect, I will get through it and move on.  Today I really can't eat pretty much anything with the new mouth sores, so I had a milk shake for dinner.  Brushing my teeth is really painful so I do  it gently.

Although I could be mad and say "I Hate Having Cancer" I have to reflect on why I have this disease.  I was given this disease for a reason.  I pray that I will know what it is I am to do with all I am going through and learn so I can put my knowledge to good use.  Anger wont get me anywhere, a positive attitude will, and this will make me, my family & those around us happy.

So I figure by what I am told by those who are currently going through the same type of Chemo Therapy and my Doctor and nurses, my hair has about 2 more weeks with me.  I have gotten some beanies, hats and scarves in preparation for my new look.  I have a good friend Ines Parr who is going through Chemo Therapy for Breast Cancer right now, she has been such a good friend and Mentor to me through this process.  She is such an inspiration and has such a great positive attitude,  I really look up to her.

Janessa was in town over last weekend and made us dinner one night, I was able to taste it and it was soooooo good.  JT and his friend Camille make cake for desert & I was able to taste that too!!!  Thanksgiving is just 7 days away, I hope my mouth sores are gone by then so I can eat the amazing dinner Cassandra will be making us.  My family is amazing, I am so blessed to have them in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Scooter I made you a really cool gift and I can't wait to give it to you!!! You're going to love it.
