My Sister In Law Ann took & sat with me so patiently for over 4 hours Tuesday. She was so great & even held my hand while I had the IV put into my hand, this is something I just hate having done. You would have thought by looking at us we were going on a trip, she with her bag, lunch and laptop, me with my huge bad of books, scriptures, journal, snacks, lunch, 1 ltr. water bottle, blanket and cell phone in hand.
I had many who texted me during the process with lots of great thoughts and words of encouragement. As I met my nurse for the day Vee, she reassured me that they would take it slow to see my tolerance to taking the Chemo drugs. At first they stared me with a bag of Saline, then came the Bendadryl and Pepcid to counter act the Corticosteroid "Dexamethasone" & Chemo drugs Taxotere and Cytoxan. I was doing great until the Taxotere, after the fist 10 minutes my knees had the worst aching and I could barely walk. That subsided after another 10 minutes. I had this drip for about 1 1/2 hours. Then I had the Cytoxan, this was ok at first but then came the burning in the hand....more like stinging. I only had this drip for about 40 minutes, thank goodness. I did have some nausea but it was light, until I got home. Then came the fatigue and upset stomach. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I had to take more of my Dexamethasone, this is a medicine that must be taken with food, UGH. So I had half a sandwich, took the meds and got to sleep for about two hours.
Oh but wait, it was election night here in Santa Clartia and needed to help Measure E pass so our School District could get the much needed funding from our current property taxes. So at 7:45pm I made Kenny take me out so we could vote. It was well worth it, Measure E passed!!
I was able to get a good night sleep from about 10pm-4:30am. I had to take all my meds from 5am-6am with food..ugh! So I made myself toast with Peanut Butter, I am finding my taste buds have been effected and the Peanut Butter doesn't taste so good to me anymore. I had to force down 2/3's of the toast and had to stop, took my pills and sat in bed watching my favorite show, The KTLA Morning News & waking my husband up to get the kids up for the day. I tried eating my normal breakfast of Raisin Bran Crunch, but that doesn't taste so good either??? I'm worried about lunch now...ha ha
I know I have a challenging 3 months ahead but it's so outweighs the alternative. I am fighting for my life here and I don't take one moment for granted.
It was such a bummer to hear you aren't supposed to have a lot of visitors. If you go crazy of boredom, you have my permission to hallucinate that I am visiting you. So glad your girls get to come down to see you this month. Lots and lots of love